How to Use Website Metrics to Increase Your Online Traffic
On the World Wide Web, visitor traffic to your website can break or make you. So naturally, you want to bring as many effective customers as possible to your website. Website metrics can efficiently teach you a few lessons on good business behavior when you have re-launched your website, or desperately need some help in this department.
Every website owner wants to maximize the performance of their site. But it is not always obvious which performance factors best reflect how a site is performing. From bounce rate to conversion rate, many things play an important role in taking your website performance to a higher level. Online businesses always want quality traffic and Google ranking on their website. In such a case, website metrics play an incredible role.
What is website metrics?
Website metrics is a general term, which is used to measure a website’s performance. Metrics are basically the numbers behind certain variables related to a website. Tracking these numbers is very important. It can often give insight that would otherwise be overlooked. Website metrics may sound complicated, but they are actually pretty straightforward. Some examples of website metrics are traffic, conversion rate, top-viewed pages, and bounce rate.
Know what to measure
To grow your website traffic efficiently, you should have to follow some below mentioned top conversion metrics-
- Bounce Rate– Your website needs some improvements if visitors leave your website immediately after landing. You have to make sure that your website looks sharp.
- New/Unique Visitor Conversion– The way a first-time visitor interacts with your site is completely different than a repeat customer. So knowing what first-time visitors are looking at and what first impressions you are making can be a good indicator of your website’s appeal.
- Return Visitor Conversions– Repeat visitors are a positive sign that you have made an impression. But now you have to find a way how you can convert them into paying customers.
- Behavior– What pages visitors are viewing, how long do they spend on each page, and which pages prove most interesting? All these things can help you to draw the attention of the customer.
- Exit Pages– As bounce rates do not always come from your homepage, so it is good to identify where most visitors leave your website. So, you have to reevaluate your web page.
How can you score good traffic?
Based on website metrics, you have to identify the areas that need work. Some tips to score good traffic are-
- Direct Link– Each page must have a call to action or direct link. To find something, if people have to click more than three times, you have already lost them.
- Make Each Page Count– Every page on your website needs a purpose for existing. Don’t waste people’s time with irrelevant content.
- State Your Goal Clearly– Encourage viewers to buy or book your services in various places throughout your website. Do not make them guess what your goal is.
What you will get?
- Get a rich insight into how many visitors are visiting your website and where they are coming from.
- Track your customer behavior and improve your website SEO.
- Identify the gap between what your audience is doing and what you want them to do.
- With greater knowledge of market needs, convert more visitors into buying customers.
- Web analytics provide insight into your visitor behavior and helps you to improve in the future online SEO.
A business listing website always utilizes website metrics properly and increases your online traffic efficiently. So, if you want to improve your Google ranking and also want to get an ample number of website traffic please contact us.